31 October 2021 – Love vs Stealing – Charlie 7

Today, boys and girls, we’re going to talk about stealing. Charlie and his friends have a big challenge to face this week to do with this problem.

560 Child Stealing Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Yes, we can remove items from someone else that don’t belong to us, but there are all sorts of ways in which we steal.
We can steal time when we are lazy – by not doing the things that we should. We can steal attention from people when we distract them and stop them from doing their work when we are disruptive.
We can steal confidence from people when we say mean things about them. We can steal someone’s good reputation when we say mean and ugly things about them to others.
Stealing is not just about taking things.

Jesus was someone who believed in radical giving and sharing. He did not in one way ever support selfish behaviour that would only benefit one. Our behaviour, our hearts, our minds, our attitudes should be directed towards helping everyone. This is how we make the Kingdom of God come alive on God’s earth. God has commanded us not to steal. Stealing starts when we see something that we think we want for ourselves. Instead of turning away and thinking about God, we focus on the things we selfishly want. This is where sin starts. Secondly, we then take what we want. This is putting sin into action. Thirdly, sometimes we try to hide – that is cover up our sins and pretend and lie that we did not. But God sees everything. We cannot hide from God.
Finally, most of the time, our sins will be found out. We might think we are getting away with it, but sooner or later, someone will find out, or we will have to explain ourselves to God.

There is no way to undo what we have done, unless we are honest with God and others, tell the truth, make amends for what we have done. The only way we can be free eternally is to ask Jesus to forgive us. Jesus died for us. It is up to us to open our hearts to him. 

Watch the latest episode of Charlie and Friends here.

Here are two lovely songs which celebrate how generous God is to us. To listen click here and here.

For an activity to remind us the difference between love and stealing click here.

Have a blessed week dear friends and know that we love you!

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